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Keeping Your Business Connected With 4G

Networking technology is evolving at an unprecedented pace, which could be really big news for your startup.  But what is it, what is its purpose, and how will it help you to grow your business?

Time to leave the old ways behind

People starting up in business today face a whole new set of challenges, and opportunities, which weren’t presented to the entrepreneurs of yesteryear.  Where once businesses had to use traditional methods to announce their existence – a process that could be painfully slow, taking years or even decades to perfect – the communications revolution has provided us with ways and means to get our products and services in front of a global audience within minutes.

For a new startup, embracing internet technology is a no-brainer.  If you want to be even anything approaching competitive, there really is no other way.  Using networking communications enables you to exploit market agility, pre-empting your opposition and beating them to the punch.

But in spite of the fact that the smartphone is now capable of performing more or less to the same standard as desktop machines, it still lags a little behind when it comes to versatility and usability.  Complete network access, for the time being at least, remains secured to your desk.

Introducing 4G

We’ve been able to connect to the internet through our mobile phones for quite a while now.  But in the majority of cases this has been restricted to 3G access, which has its limitations.  Speeds of data transmission and volumes of storage have still disadvantaged the mobile phone by comparison with static technologies.  With the arrival of 4G, that is all about to change.

Whilst there are differences that are highly technical, it is sufficient for most potential users to understand that 4G offers far greater capacities and speeds than its predecessor.  In practical terms this means that it is no longer a cumbersome option to perform tasks on your mobile phone which you might hitherto have entrusted only to your fixed station.  But even 4G does require a little help along the way:

4G Routers

Increased data levels need improved technology in order to meet the additional demand.  4G routers have been designed to meet this increased demand.  Typically, they allow the instalment of multiple SIMs and to draw data from the all simultaneously in order to drive your network.

At the more basic end, usually for personal use, these routers offer two to three SIM slots, but large, commercial versions can offer over eighteen.  Whichever option you decide is best for you will still represent an exponential improvement from your present situation.

4G connectivity offers a whole bunch of new activities for a startup in the domestic market, both for owners and for their loyal and industrious staff.  Improved employee benefits as well as exploiting sales opportunities create better overall conditions for your workforce, and therefore for you.

When you’ve decided which 4G router is right for you and your business, you are ready to create the necessary working conditions to enable you to put it to best use:

Choose your ideal location

There are a number of considerations which need to be taken into account when deciding where to locate your startup, but 4G isn’t one of them – because it gives you ultra-fast connectivity and versatility wherever you happen to be.  That said, you do need to be somewhere where a circuit can be installed without any problems.

Once you have chosen the right place, having taken into account the image you wish to project and any local connections that you wish to cultivate, just power up your 4G router, connect your devices to it and you should be away.  It really is as simple as that.

Get settled in your new premises

Unless you are planning only to engage remotely with your entire customer base, present and potential, then it would usually make sense to locate to somewhere where you have a physical presence amid your client base.  Follow your dream to wherever it may be and quickly deal with any logistical difficulties as they arise.

Moving your 4G network to your new premises will not usually be an issue.  It is just a question of unplugging when you leave and reconnecting at your new base.

Locate your employees to best suit your operation

Modern businesses don’t always require a workforce all operating out of the same office or depot.  Sometimes it can be a good idea to strategically place members of your own staff with clients, especially those who are situated some way from where you are based, in order to provide the best personalised service.  In this way the client receives the best and most dedicated hands-on service possible.

The clincher may well be that the employee can remain linked into your own 4G network, and therefore maintain regular contact and receive directions despite not sharing your physical location.  The most up-to-date networking technology can give you the best of both worlds.

Offer work from home opportunities

4G technology is also extremely useful when part or all of your workforce is operating from home. 

These days homeworking is a popular and growing option for companies which do not require a labour-intensive operation in one location, and this is for a whole host of reasons.  From the employee’s perspective it makes for a more attractive, and sometimes flexible working environment.  It also has the added benefit of cutting down on pollution, and the company’s footprint can also be scaled down if a significant number of its employees are working remotely at any given time. 

Establish a presence at exhibitions

Business fairs and expos are a wonderful way of networking, and of getting noticed by both the public and other enterprises alike.  The only real drawback is that the resident WiFi network can often be faulty or at the very least slow, especially when everyone is trying to use it at the same time.

Once again, taking a 4G router along yourself will guarantee good network coverage.  In addition, you can offer access to your own network to potential customers, building goodwill whilst also drawing them into your orbit as you display your products and services.


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