All of us keep a cellphone to ourselves now for a number of reasons. It does not depend on the age of the user anymore. If you look at a toddler, you may see him watching poems sidelong singing with them or playing games; you will see teenagers keeping a phone to themselves for emergencies like if they are running late for home or get stuck in an unforeseen situation; then there obviously is a serious need of every teenager or a grownup who needs a phone to access the internet for either connecting to their personal social media accounts i.e. connecting to the world, or reading books in pdf format, connecting with their family, friends or relatives and a lot more.
Especially given the current situation, AT&T Wireless has been a friend to me. They even waived off the late fee to make it easier for the citizens of USA in case we don’t have enough to pay for it by the month’s end due to lockdown – thanks to CoVid 19. A phone is one of the most important things these days, therefore. It has numerous amount of benefits and uses given that most of us don’t live with our families. We tend to move out for jobs or studies and whatnot. Similarly, not all of us have our best friends for roommates – it is almost impossible to keep in contact with all the panic social media has to offer. We need a break from the digital panic and indulge into our mental peace.
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The point is, everybody now needs a phone. It keeps one safe and secured and above all, connected to the world around. You will find several good phone services in your area. Look for the best package that suits your lifestyle and needs. I ordered mine, AT&T wireless, online instead of calling their call center. It was refreshing really because I have a bit of anxiety and talking to people can be too much at times. Online ordering was easier in comparison – it always has been for me.
Having said that, we cannot overlook the fact that internet has become one of the main reasons behind keeping a cellphone in our hands all the time. We cannot resist using it for all the wonders it has shown us is capable of performing. You can switch to different worlds of applications with just a click and to top it all, these applications themselves have proven to be a great resource when it comes to marketing your products, franchise or business other than putting yourself out there with the rest of the world to see what everyone is up to—where the trends are going. In short, cellphones have become a gateway to the outside world.
While the demand for keeping cellphones has increased, there comes with it some prices to pay as well. To elaborate on that, let’s take an example of applications famous among the youth, media and celebrities: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Tumblr etc. All these applications involve a huge amount of data investment, speaking in terms of mobile internet packages.
Even if you use a great package that offers reliable service and a great deal on internet data packages, the more you use it, the greater would grow the need and resultantly, at the end of the day, you will find yourself losing internet data. To combat a situation as such, we will write down a few easy steps that you can take in order to save your internet package from wasting its data on things that you are carelessly unaware of.
If you are a user of Android, here are a few things that you can keep a check on in order to save internet data:
Go to the Settings:
You can set a limit to your monthly data usage by simply going to your phone’s “Settings” and then clicking on the “Data Usage” tab. There you will see an option of “Billing Cycle”, press it and check on the “Data limit and billing cycle”. This is where you can conveniently set up a limit to the amount of data you plan on using. Monthly. Take control! Set a limit!
Avoid consuming App background data:
You can avoid letting applications absorb internet data when they are not even in use. These applications are extremely smart; they keep running without your knowledge when you are not even using your phone. To avoid letting this happen, you must go to the “Settings”, open “Data Usage” and see the statistics of data usage per application by yourself.
If you specifically select any application from there, you can check how much of the background data has it been consuming without your knowing. From these settings, you can restrict background data by selecting “Restrict app background data”.
Use Chrome:
One of the benefits of using Chrome is that it possesses an inbuilt feature that allows you to avoid consuming a significant amount of data only on Android phones. You can turn the data compression on so that all your data is filtered through a proxy that is run by Google. The benefit of doing this is obvious: lesser data consumption.
Use Wi-Fi to update Apps:
Oftentimes, your phone updates the applications on its own. The internet connection it uses for this purpose is your phone’s. When you can update your applications through Wi-Fi sometime else, why would you need to update at the cost of your phone’s internet data? Go to the settings of your phone to disable the feature of automatic updating the applications.
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Control the use of Streaming services:
While you’re scrolling through the newsfeeds of the applications you use, like Facebook or Instagram, you must have observed latest trends like gifs, boomerangs that may not seem data-consuming but in reality, do quite affect your internet data plans. Streaming music or video through YouTube instead of downloading them once and for all may be a bad choice if you ask your phone. Just decrease or lower the quality of the videos you watch to avoid data consumption.