In spite of the fact that many website owners start out with a basic shared hosting plan and that’s not the feasible option as your website attracts more attention. If the traffic levels of your website have increased then it may be the right time to upgrade your hosting plan.

By the use of a VPS hosting plan, you will get an individual operating system, disk space and bandwidth.  This is exactly opposite to shared hosting plans in which those resources are shared with several users. Conversely, VPS hosting allows you to provide a more optimized service for your visitors and that is crucial as your website starts to grow.

In this article, I will cover some of the important reasons and few tips to upgrade Windows VPS hosting for your growing website.

At the time of creating a website of any kind, first, you need to decide to choose an appropriate web hosting plan. There are several options available in an online market while most of the people start with shared hosting and you can change the type of hosting over time. In the shared hosting, your website ‘lives’ on a server with many others by sharing its resources. This is exactly opposite to dedicated hosting where one or more servers host a single website. VPS hosting is a hybrid solution of shared and dedicated hosting as it comprises the key features of both.

In the VPS hosting environment, your website is still located on the same physical server as other users. So, each VPS account is virtually partitioned. Each virtual server has its own operating system with resources that are dedicated to a single website. This will result in both performance and security. VPS hosting generally comes with an increase in cost. Precisely, this type of plan is more expensive than shared hosting and but reasonable than dedicated hosting. Moreover, the price of the cheap VPS Singapore plan depends on the operating system on which your server runs.

Depending on the operating systems (Windows or Linux) mentioned in the hosting plan will form the core of your server. And that completely determines which apps you can install, time to complete the key tasks and how well your server performs. In that, Windows-based plans are some of the popular options because they provide a high level of technical support and security.

When to consider upgrading the hosting plan?

It might happen that the web hosting plan you started with will be suitable for your website indefinitely. As the website continues to grow and change then it will be the right time to consider an update.

In the below-mentioned cases you need to upgrade your hosting plan:

  • The traffic of your website has grown significantly.
  • Your website is running damn slowly.
  • And third and important thing is you’re concerned about the security of your website’s data.

At that time you may feel that you have exceeded the limit of shared hosting resources. As your business grows you need extra resources. In that case, dedicated hosting allows you plenty of resources at a higher price tag, something that the smaller businesses often cannot justify.

In comparison with the mentioned types of hosting particularly in regards to cost, VPS hosting is the ideal solution. It is easy to find affordable, high-quality VPS hosting. Particularly, in VPS hosting, Windows-based plan brings you a wide range of benefits. Let’s explore some important reasons to use Singapore Windows VPS hosting for your growing website.

1. It’s a cost-effective solution:

Budgeting will become more challenging as your website continuous to grow. It will become difficult and poor investment, if you’re spending lots of time and money on shared hosting when your website has extended its resource limit.

Windows-based VPS plans here at MilesWeb starts at S$21/month:

It might look more expensive than shared hosting but still a highly-affordable choice for many small to mid-sized businesses.

2. There’s no more drain of resources:

One of the major drawbacks of shared hosting is the fact that the same resources are accessed by multiple websites. For example, if another website on your server has a sudden spike in traffic then you will have fewer resources to work with. At that time your visitors might experience slow loading time which results, in turn, can lead to a reduction in traffic and conversions. This is neither a good environment for websites to grow nor it gives your website and business a professional image.

By the use of VPS hosting, your resources can’t be drained by your neighbor’s activities. As a result, you’re able to offer a faster, smoother experience for all your visitors.

3. High-level security:

VPS hosting can be considered as more secure than shared hosting. This is the fact that the apps and data stored on a virtual server are completely isolated from other users.  On a shared hosting environment, if another website on your server suffers from a malware infection or another form of security breach then this could also affect your website. On the contrary, separate storage is available on a virtual server that will become harder for infections to spread between users. Moreover, the Windows based VPS plans at MilesWeb are fully managed powered by AWS. From this plan, you will get the benefit as additional security measures, including firewalls, intrusion monitoring and regular remote backups. On the other hand in unmanaged plans, most security measures and general maintenance tasks are the user’s responsibility.           

4. More control over your website:

A VPS hosting plan is independent to other accounts using the same physical server in that case you have more control over your partition. With the help of this plan, you get the entire operating system including full access to available resources and files. A Windows-based VPS plan at MilesWeb comes with full administrative control. This will allow you to set up and customize your server the way you want it, as well as to install and use additional software. This also means you’re able to try out more advanced coding and test applications more effectively. More importantly, VPS hosting plans are also incredibly simple to upgrade as your business continues to grow. From the wide range of hosting packages, you can choose anyone that offer different levels of processing power, storage and memory. Thus, you only have to pay for what you need, without hampering your website in the process.

Here is the list of standard VPS hosting features offered by MilesWeb is as follows:

  • Amazon Cloud Platform
  • Unlimited SQL Databases
  • Enterprise Hardware
  • Remote Desktop Access
  • Unlimited Email Accounts
  • Premium Network
  • Managed Windows VPS
  • Run ASP/.NET Website
  • Enhanced Security
  • Windows Server 2012 R2
  • Run Meta Trader 4/5
  • Free Website Migration
  • Windows Server 2016
  • Supports all MVC Frameworks
  • Upgrade At Anytime
  • Host Unlimited Domains
  • Private Name Servers
  • Guaranteed Resources

Apart from the above-mentioned features, you can easily migrate Windows VPS server for free. Their expert team has experience in migrating thousands of websites effortlessly without downtime. Their support engineers will move all your required files and databases from your existing Windows VPS provider to MilesWeb’s fully managed AWS Windows VPS server. Amazon web services offered by MilesWeb allow you to build, deploy, scale and manage your Microsoft applications quickly, securely and effectively.

By considering the mentioned points in the article you can easily mark your presence with Windows VPS hosting for your growing website.